巩义市宏丰耐火材料有限公司位于河南郑州巩义市,境内耐火砖资源丰富 为耐火砖的生产与服务提供了得天独厚的条件。我公司生产的碳化硅砖、刚玉砖、铬刚玉砖、复合刚玉制品、高铝砖、保温砖、浇注料、捣打料、耐火泥、耐火预制件等一系列定型、不定型耐火材料国内外,在用户当中享有较高的地位。 现已成为服务于冶金、电力、建材、化工、玻璃、有色金属等行业用耐火材料的综合型企业。我公司实力雄厚、重信用、守合同、产品质量通过多项国内外认证,以多品种经营为特色和薄利多销的原则,赢得了广大客户的信任。
浇注料是一种由耐火物质制成的粒状和粉状材料,浇注料又称耐火浇注料,并加入一定量结合剂和水分共同组成。同其他不定形耐火材料相比, 结合剂和水分含量较高,它具有较高的流动性,适宜用浇注方法施工,并无需加热即可硬化的不定形耐火材料。故而不定型耐火材料应用范围较广,可根据使用条件对所用材质和结合剂加以选择。既可直接浇注成衬体使用,又可用浇注或震实方法制成预制块使用。由耐火骨料、粉料、结合剂、外加剂、水或其他液体材料组成。一般在使用现场以浇注、震动或捣固的方法浇筑成型,也可以制成预制件使用。
Introduction of castable
Pouring material is a kind of granular and powdered materials made of refractory material, the castable also called refractory castable, and add a certain amount of binder and water with other monolithic refractories, binder and moisture content is higher, it has high liquidity, appropriate construction with casting method, without heating and hardening of monolithic not stereotypes refractories has a wide application range, can be used according to the conditions on the materials and the binder used to choose them.Both can be used directly pouring into lining body, and can use casting or made preform using vibrated method.By refractory aggregate, powder, binder and additive, water or other liquid materials.General in using on-site pouring, vibration or tamping method of casting forming, also can be made into bricks.